Why Rental Property Owners Should Consider Personal Umbrella Coverage

Why Rental Property Owners Should Consider Personal Umbrella Coverage

Rental Property Owner

As a rental property owner, you may want to consider a Personal Umbrella Insurance policy to protect yourself for claims over and above the limits afforded by your existing personal insurance policies. And it can protect you against excess liability judgments for loss, injury or even death caused by negligent acts.

Reasons why you may consider personal umbrella coverage:

Umbrella coverage can be used to protects your current assets and future earnings in the event of a catastrophic loss.

Many people with auto and homeowner’s insurance wonder if an umbrella insurance policy is really necessary. If you own property or have other assets you want to preserve, you should strongly consider umbrella insurance.

Benefits of umbrella insurance may include protection from:

  • Serious bodily injury liability. Your homeowners insurance liability limit may be insufficient to cover medical and other costs related to a guest falling off a balcony at your home, or being bitten by your dog.
  • Landlord liability. A tenant might file an expensive suit over an injury sustained while renting your property.
  • Malicious prosecution. You may file a suit against someone and in turn be sued for wrongfully, or maliciously, prosecuting that individual.

Personal Umbrella insurance provides another layer of protection above you have and auto liability coverages limits.

What does umbrella insurance cover?

If you or someone in your household causes harm to another person or property, umbrella insurance covers:

  • Expensive legal fees to defend yourself in a suit.
  • The portion of a settlement or judgment that exceeds your home or auto insurance liability limits.

Without umbrella coverage, you would have to pay out-of-pocket for any costs beyond your home or auto insurance liability limits.

How do you determine whether to get umbrella insurance and how much coverage? Start by considering coverage equal to your assets that would be at-risk, including your home and financial savings. Ask yourself what coverage amount would give you peace of mind. Coverage limits start at $1 million costing you as little as $135 annually ($11.25 per month.)

Call your DTRIC agent to discuss this important matter to protect you and your family.

Disclaimer: Your insurance policy provisions take precedence in determining coverages and limits.

Get a Renters Quote

Our knowledgeable DTRIC representatives can assist you with a free, no-obligation renters quote – just call 808-923-8742 or 1-877-923-8742 (neighbor islands toll-free) to get started. You can also request a Hawaii renters insurance quote online by clicking here. For faster service, be sure to have your current insurance policy handy.

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