Working From Home Tips
Home based offices can be hazardous. Here are some of the physical and technological hazards you should know about and avoid.
Home Office Computer Safety
Items to consider:
- Floor surfaces should be level, dry and free of frayed seams; carpets need to be well secured to the floor.
- Surfaces should be free of tripping, slipping or bumping hazards.
- Never allow electrical or telephone cords in walkways.
- All stairs with four or more steps should be equipped with handrails.

Fire Safety
Items to consider:
- Keep your workplace clean and clear, with unfiled papers and combustible material kept to a minimum. Trash should be disposed of promptly.
- Be sure to have a working smoke detector and suitable fire extinguisher for your workspace.
- Plan a fire escape route and keep fire exits unobstructed.
- Do you have a coffeepot or space heater in your home office? If so, be sure to keep flammable materials like papers away from its hot surface.

Electrical Safety
Items to consider:
- A major cause of fire is overloaded electrical circuits, so take care not to overload outlets with too many plugs. If additional outlets are needed, have a qualified electrician properly install them.
- Circuit breakers or fuse panels should be labeled and accessible.
- Electrical plugs, cords, panels and receptacles should be in good condition and free or frayed or loose wires, bare conductors or broken insulation.
- Older homes with two-wire grounded outlets that require plug adapters will not afford adequate protection for personal computers – three-wire grounded outlets is optimal. Computer equipment should also be connected to a surge protector.
- Make sure your electrical components have sufficient ventilation.
- Phone lines, electrical cords and extension wires should be secured under a desk or alongside a baseboard.

Air Quality
Items to consider:
- Work in a well-ventilated area. Fans can help.
- Prohibit smoking – it’s stinky, bad for the smoker and the poor nonsmoker breathing in the secondhand smoke.
- Properly handle office chemicals and use in well-ventilated areas.
- Store chemicals, especially those that are toxic, in a safe and secure storage area.
- Purchase and install a carbon monoxide detector.

Office Safety
Items to consider:
- Company policies follow outside the office.
- Chairs and other office furnishings should be structurally sound so that their use does not cause injury.
- Paper shredders and other equipment that could cause physical injury should be turned off an unplugged when not in use.

Computer Workstations
Items to consider:
- Workstations should be arranged so that they are comfortable and do not cause unnecessary strain on the back, arms or neck.
- Your computer should be placed either on a standard-height desk or workstation specifically designed for its use.
- Use a standard five-legged computer chair with good back and arm support.
- Position your keyboard directly in front you at approximate elbow height.
- Take some breaks where you can stretch, get up and move around.

Child Safety
Items to consider:
- Keep any and all sharp office implements away and out of reach from small children. Small heavy items in a child’s hand, such as paperweights, could also cause injury.
- Cover unused sockets with plastic covers. Use a surge protector with an on-off switch that can easily turn off the source of power. Get on your hands and knees and make sure there are no cords that could trip up little feet.
- Consider keeping your children out of the office and/or locking the door to the workspace.