Tips to Lower Your Car Insurance

Tips to Lower Your Car Insurance

We’re in the midst of Hawaii’s rainy season, which may mean higher risks of damage to your home and personal property. Whether you are a property owner or renter, here are a few preparedness tips to avoid potential damage and the likelihood of filing an insurance claim:

1. Get a quote before you buy

Before purchasing a new or used vehicle, call your insurance agent to find out how much it’s going to cost to insure it.

2. Increase your deductible

By increasing your deductible, you could save significantly on your premium. Decide how much you can afford to spend out of pocket in the event of a claim, then adjust your deductible accordingly.

3. Skip monthly bill pay

To avoid extra charges, request to be billed every 6 or 12 months rather than making monthly payments.

4. Bundle your insurance policies

Combining your personal auto and homeowners insurance policies with DTRIC Insurance could save up to 25% on your homeowners insurance

5. Drive Aloha

It’s important to maintain a good driving record. Avoid speeding and stay out of accidents.

By taking advantage of these strategies, you can significantly reduce your costs without compromising coverage. DTRIC offers a variety of discounts for our policyholders. Here’s a list of discounts you could qualify for:

  • Pay-in-full discount (8%)
  • Electronic funds transfer payment plan discount (2%)
  • Electronic delivery (paperless) discount (2%)
  • Education discount (5%*)
  • Multi-car discounts (25%**)
  • Companion discount (25%***)

*Education Discount available to those with a four-year college degree.
**Multi-car Discount – Save up to 25% if you insure more than one vehicle on the same policy.
***Companion Discount – Bundle your home or auto with your existing policy and receive a discount.

Bundle Your Auto, Homeowners, or Renters Insurance and Save!