The Time For Cleaning And Repairs Is Now

With closures in effect, this may be a good time for businesses to do some deep cleaning and catch up on maintenance issues. Business owners and commercial property managers should use the time to disinfect and make repairs in the absence of customers. Cleaning, construction repairs, or renovations can be done without inconvenience or cordoning off areas of operation. Businesses can also use this downtime to address issues that escaped them during the busy periods.
Accidents and incidents are more likely to occur with operations that have poor housekeeping practices. An insurance company can tell a lot about a business’ management style through its maintenance procedures. Does a company run a tight ship, or are they somewhat loose on controls that could potentially lead to an accident? Once the lockdown order is lifted and business resumes, companies will be ready to go.
Also, remember that the general public trying to avoid being infected by the COVID-19 will be wary of germs and getting sick. When customers return, the cleanliness and appearance of the storefront and customer area will make a first impression, good or bad, and may determine whether that customer will make a return visit.
The following are some important areas that you should review with clients to prevent injury and property damage, as well as keep your customers safe and healthy:

Sanitation and Cleanliness
- Make a concerted effort in wiping down and disinfecting surfaces that are exposed to employees and customers. View the CDC’s recommended guidelines.
- Review pest control effectiveness with professionals and make needed adjustments.
- Cooking operations should do a deep cleaning of cooking areas to remove grease from equipment, surrounding walls, and hoods.

General Housekeeping
- Remove any unused items that pose a hazard or block exits.
- Dispose of combustibles, like cardboard boxes and wood scraps, that aren’t being used.
- Store flammables in a metal cabinet to reduce exposure.
- Clean up areas near stairways and aisles to prevent trip-and-fall type accidents.

Electrical hazards
- Replace broken or cracked electrical faceplates.
- Replace cords with frayed wiring.
- Cover up any exposed wiring.
- Update inspection of portable fire extinguishers.

Environmental Hazards
- If possible, repair surfaces in parking areas and surrounding sidewalks. Many injury claims have been a result of parking surfaces that have potholes and raised bumps from roots or aging.
- Highlight changes in elevation like stairs or curbs to increase the visibility of this trip-and-fall hazard.
Business Knowledge Center
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