“Stop If You Love Me” Traffic Safety Campaign

“Stop If You Love Me” Traffic Safety Campaign

Photos from February 2020

Each year, elementary, middle and high school public school students statewide participate in the annual “Stop If You Love Me” traffic safety campaign sponsored by the Hawaii State Department of Education, DTRIC Insurance, and Par Hawaii.

Twenty-one schools on four islands participated in “Stop If You Love Me” Week during the week of February 15-19. The student-led campaign encourages drivers and passengers to eliminate dangerous behaviors while in their vehicles, including cell phone use, texting, driving intoxicated, road rage and speeding, lack of seatbelt use, and distractions by passengers.

This year’s traffic safety campaign was different with the current social distancing measures in place. So students were asked to be more creative this year to get the safety message out via social media and other safe school activities.

With Spring Break fast approaching, teens may also be hitting the road at an increasing rate. Distracted driving is listed as the number one cause of accidents among this age group, so we urge parents to remind their teen drivers to put down their mobile devices until they reach their destination.

“Instilling safe and proper driving behavior in children should begin when they are young and impressionable,” said DTRIC Insurance President and CEO Michele Saito. “That includes parents setting a good example while driving since their children are observing them. Let’s continue to remind adults and children to Drive Aloha to keep everyone on our roadways safe.”

Safe Driver Discounts

Did you know that if you have no accidents or traffic violations, you may be eligible for a Safe Driving Discount on your auto insurance at DTRIC? And if you remain claims free, your deductible could be completely wiped out!

To learn more, visit https://www.dtric.com/hawaii-car-insurance/