Save your back - Lift Safely

Lift safely – and save your back. Preventing a back injury is much easier than repairing one. Because your back is critically important to your ability to walk, sit, stand, and run, it’s important to take care of it. Most back pain arises from using your back improperly, so learning a few basic rules about lifting, posture and proper exercise can help keep your back in good shape.
Strengthen your back
Having strong back and stomach muscles is important in order to ease the work your back is put through each day. By doing simple back-toning exercises, you not only strengthen your back but also reduce stress and improve your appearance, too!
Plan your lift
In order to lift correctly and reduce strain on your back, it’s important to plan your lift in advance. This means to think about the weight of the object you will be moving and the distance you will be moving it. Is it bulky? Will you need help? Do you see any hazards that can be eliminated? Think about this whenever you do any lifting. Lift safely.
Position yourself correctly
Once you have planned your lift, the next important step is to align yourself correctly in front of the load with your feet straddling the load, one foot slightly in front of the other for balance. Slowly squat down by bending your knees, not your back and stomach. Using both hands, firmly grab the load and bring it as close to your body as you can. This will help distribute the weight of the load over your feet and make the move easier.
Lift with your legs
Once the load is close to your body, slowly straighten out your legs until you are standing upright. Make sure the load isn’t blocking your vision as you begin to walk slowly to your destination. If you need to turn to the side, turn by moving your feet around and not by twisting at your stomach.
Set the load down correctly
Once you have reached your destination, it’s equally important that the load is set down correctly. By reversing the above lifting procedures you can reduce the strain on your back and stomach muscles.
Get help, if needed
If the load is too heavy, bulky or awkward for you to lift alone, find a friend to help you carry it. If no one is available, is it possible to break the load into two smaller loads? Or, can you locate a cart or dolly to help you move it? Look for simple solutions to help make the move easier on you and your back.
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