Lockout and Tagout

Lockout and Tagout

Lockout and Tagout

Do you have machinery or equipment that needs to be serviced or maintained on a frequent basis? If your answer is yes, you better make sure you have Lockout/ Tagout (LOTO) procedures in place. It will literally save your life and limbs.

Why is it important?

Any time employees service equipment or machinery they are at risk to physical harm or death if hazardous energy is not controlled properly. Compliance with LOTO standard prevents an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries each year. Workers injured on the job lose an average of 24 work days a year. (per OSHA)

Protecting your employees

The lockout/tagout standard allows the employer to develop an energy control program that suits the needs of their workplace and, the types of machinery and or equipment that’s maintained and serviced. This is done by using the appropriate lockout or tagout device to energy-isolating device and, also de-energizing the equipment or machine that’s being worked on. Employers are also required to train their employees in the following areas:

  1. The aspects of the employers Energy Control Program
  2. Any relevant elements of the energy control procedures in relation to employees duties or work assignments
  3. The various requirements mandated by the OSHA standard related to lockout/ tagout.

Protect your employees

The lockout/tagout standard establishes requirements each employer must follow. Some of the critical requirements include:

  • The development, implementation, and enforcement of a LOTO program.
  • Develop, implement, and enforce an effective tagout program if machines or equipment are incapable of being locked out
  • Use lockout devices for equipment that can be locked out. You can use a tagout device instead of a lockout device only if; the tagout device provides employee protection equivalent to what’s provided through a lockout program
  • Review energy control guidelines and procedures annually
  • Confirm LOTO devices identify individual users
  • Provide training for employees on a consistent basis (at least annually)

Save yourself

Adherence to a LOTO program can help prevent serious injuries to employees, possibly save lives, and also cut down on lost workdays. You are required to develop and implement a LOTO program under OSHA, do so and ensure the welfare of your employees.

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