Combat High Gas Prices with Proper Vehicle Maintenance

To beat the high prices at the pump, it’s important to properly maintain your vehicle. Taking preemptive measures can maximize your car’s fuel efficiency and minimize the financial strain on your wallet.
1. Check Fluid Levels
A properly functioning engine is essential to your car’s longevity. A good rule of thumb is to check your oil levels each month, as well as monitor coolant, power steering, brake, and transmission fluid levels.
2. Invest in Regular Check-Ups and Oil Changes
Take your car to your dealer or a mechanic for inspections to look for hidden problems that can become worse over time. Be sure to also follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on oil changes. Doing so can also help prevent mechanical breakdowns.
3. Inspect Your Tires
Great gas mileage is reliant on proper tire pressure. According to the U.S Department of Energy, drivers can increase their gas mileage by 0.6% on average and up to 3% in some cases by keeping tires inflated to the proper pressure.
4. Check Your Lights
Improperly working lights can become a safety hazard if your car is stuck along the side of the road with passing traffic and at night when visibility is poor. Broken or burnt-out headlights or taillights can also cost you a ticket, so be sure they’re in proper working order.
5. Change Your Engine Air Filter
Regularly changing your air filter can have a significant impact on your car’s performance. Replacing the air filter will help reduce the disruption caused by dirt and ensure your engine’s efficiency.