Wai‘anae High School Named Winner of Third Annual “Drive Aloha” High School PSA Video Contest

Wai‘anae High School Named Winner of Third Annual “Drive Aloha” High School PSA Video Contest

Promoting safe driving on Hawai‘i’s roadways, students from Wai‘anae High School won first place in DTRIC Insurance’s third annual Drive Aloha PSA Video contest. High school students statewide used their video-making skills to creatively answer the question, “What does Drive Aloha mean to you?”

Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, DTRIC Insurance and Par Hawaii Join Forces to Train Young Drivers

Hawaiʻi State Department of Education, DTRIC Insurance and Par Hawaii Join Forces to Train Young Drivers

The Hawaiʻi State Department of Education (HIDOE) driver and traffic safety education program, in collaboration with DTRIC Insurance and Par Hawaii, will be holding the HIDOE Traffic Safety Fair at the Aloha Stadium lower parking lot on Saturday, March 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.

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