Campbell High School Named Winner Of Inaugural Drive Aloha PSA Contest Sponsored By DTRIC Insurance

Campbell High School Named Winner Of Inaugural Drive Aloha PSA Contest Sponsored By DTRIC Insurance

Students at James Campbell High School won $2,500 for their school with their entry into DTRIC Insurance’s Drive Aloha PSA contest.  The Hawaii-based insurance company launched its first-ever Drive Aloha Video contest for high school students from across the state to put their videomaking skills to work by creating a video that creatively answered the question, “What does Drive Aloha mean to you?”

Drive Aloha Month Proclamations

Drive Aloha Month Proclamations

DTRIC’s president and CEO Takuya Mitsueda and executive vice president Dennis Rae display state and city proclamations announcing August as Drive Aloha Month. Mahalo to Governor David Ige and Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi for helping us keep our community safe! We encourage everyone to take the Drive Aloha pledge today and help make our roads safer!