If achieving positive results is the goal for your safety program, then management meetings with good interaction is imperative.

If achieving positive results is the goal for your safety program, then management meetings with good interaction is imperative.
Most back pain arises from using your back improperly, so learning a few basic rules about how to lift safely can help keep your back in good shape.
A well written incident report is worth its weight in gold. Reports serve as a written record of incidents and events. A good report will consider:
An easy way to assess your safety ef-forts compared to your compe-tition is by figuring out your Incident Rate (IR). How do you compare?
Hazard recognition, assessment, and implementing controls for hazards in the work area can be done with a Job Hazard Analysis or JHA.
When an emergency occurs, there is no time to organize as every second becomes valuable. Emergency evacuation planning can make a difference and save lives.
Improve the safety at your workplace by always making sure to being in compliance with this cuts & laceration safety checklist.
Setting SMART safety goals means that you clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, and use your time and ressources productively.