Risk Consulting Services
The Risk Consulting Services team at DTRIC Insurance helps businesses reduce the risk of injuries and accidents in the workplace with a system or process that’s easy to understand and simple to implement.
Meet the Team
Our seasoned staff have decades of experience and expertise in working with a multitude of industries including retail, hospitality, restaurants, and others, to help protect your business and employees from the downside of risks.

Chad Lindsey
Risk Consulting Services
Online Resources
Workers' Comp

- Workers’ Compensation
- Preventing Cuts & Lacerations
- OSHA/HIOSH Preparation
- How Do You Stack Up Against Your Competition
- Incident Reports
- Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Restaurant Burn Prevention
- Single/Dual Monitor Set Up
- Keyboard and Mouse Set Up
- Save Your Back—Lift Safely
- Lockout/ Tagout
- PPE – The Last Resort
- Strain/Sprain Injury Prevention
General Safety

- Crime—Retail Industry
- A Snapshot of History
- Active Violence Preparedness
- Blood Pressure Awareness
- COVID-19 Office Procedures
- Drug Free Workplace
- Effective Training
- Building Your Safe-Team
- The Suggestion Box
- Management Meetings
- Company Newsletters
- Building Your Safe-Team
- Safety Committees
- Safety Planning
- Rewards – Can it really help in reducing injuries?
- Communicate to the Masses
- Motivate Your Employees!
- Ways to Motivate Employees
In providing these fact sheets, DTRIC Insurance Co. does not represent, warrant, guarantee, or otherwise certify that use of this fact sheet will prevent losses or assure compliance with the laws, regulations, requirements or guidelines of any local, state or federal, legislative or regulatory Agency. Safety and loss prevention is soley the responsibility of a company or organization. These fact sheets are to be used for reference only.
Talk to Your Agent
Talk to your insurance agent today to create a business insurance package that covers risks common in your industry and specific to your business needs.