Avoid Distracted Driving

Hawaii is one of the top three states plagued by distracted driving. In 2020, over 24% of the state’s traffic fatalities were because of driver distraction according to the National Safety Council. Here are a few friendly reminders of how to keep focused on the road and Drive Aloha.
1. Don’t turn your vehicle into a mobile office
Work demands have led to more incidents of distracted driving. Recently, more than 40% of surveyed motorists said they take work-related calls, texts or emails while driving. Prevent your vehicle from becoming a mobile office despite the pressure and temptation to do so.
2. Minimize distractions inside your vehicle
In-vehicle technology may be convenience, but it’s also extremely distracting. Touchscreens take your eyes off the road. Adjusting infotainment settings takes your mind off driving, making it more dangerous for you and those around you. Driving requires your full attention, so set your radio station, playlist, or navigation system before putting your car in drive.
3. The best cell phone for driving is NO CELL PHONE
Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed. Nothing is more important than getting to your destination safely. Use your phone and other technology only when you are safely parked.