2024 Drive Aloha PSA Winners

Drive Aloha is DTRIC Insurance Company’s community initiative to promote traffic safety in Hawaii by encouraging the public to be courteous while on the road, embrace positive behaviors, and practice the “Aloha Spirit” to make our roads safer and friendlier. Hawaii’s students are incredibly adept at developing videos for their social media content, so we’ve asked them to use their talents to create a video answering the question “What Does Drive Aloha Mean To You?” to help promote safer and friendlier roads across our islands.

View the entries of our winners and runner-ups from this year’s contest below!

First Place

Congratulations to our Drive Aloha PSA Contest winners from Wai‘anae High School!

Waianae High School’s entry by students Natasha Maafala and Angela Dupa focused on demonstrating aloha on the road by practicing kindness, courtesy, and limiting distractions behind the wheel. The video also encouraged everyone to buckle up and wear their seatbelts.

Waianae High School – How To: Drive Aloha

Second Place

Lana‘i High and Elementary School 2024 Entry

Lana‘i High and Elementary School’s video submission took second place and creatively showcases what Drive Aloha means to them, emphasizing the importance of safe and responsible driving. Sharmaine, Malia, Carla, Jedidiah and Naighgel’s video encourages local communities to Drive Aloha for each other, our island, and a safer Hawaii. Through their storytelling, they highlight how small actions behind the wheel can make a big difference in protecting lives.

Third Place

Waipahu High School 2024 Entry

Waipahu High School’s video earned third place in the PSA Contest by humorously illustrating the dangers of distracted driving, using the concept of driving “blind” to emphasize common distractions. As freshmen without licenses, Emma and Sarah recruited an upperclassman to star and filmed using tripods and polarized lenses. Despite starting late and juggling extracurriculars, they completed the project in about two weeks, from planning to final edits. Collaboration and careful revisions allowed them to bring their creative vision to life and deliver a clear safety message.

Advocate for Change

When you pledge to practice responsible, courteous, and safe habits on the road, you become a Drive Aloha Ambassador. We’ll send you a Drive Aloha window decal to proudly display your commitment to promote traffic safety!

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